Georgia TAPP
What is GaTAPP?
The Georgia Teacher Academy for Preparation and Pedagogy (GaTAPP) is a classroom-based teacher preparation option for individuals who have the basic qualifications to teach elementary, middle-grades, or secondary education and have not completed a teacher preparation program.
The GaTAPP Program is not intended to replace traditional teacher education programs. It is, instead, an alternative option for individuals who hold a Bachelor’s Degree or higher from an accredited institution, but who did not complete a teacher education preparation program that leads to certification.
GaTAPP seeks to equip teacher candidates with the skills to ensure a reasonable expectation of initial success in their classrooms, and to put in place a supervised internship/induction program that will help teacher candidates move toward subsequent mastery of teaching.
Which school systems do we serve?
Please note that to be considered for the WGRESA GaTAPP Program, an individual must have already secured a full-time teaching position in one of our participating member systems: Carrollton City, Carroll County, Coweta Charter Academy, Coweta County, Harris County, Heard County, Meriwether County, Odyssey Charter, and Troup County.
Applicants Should Understand
WGRESA RESA only provides training for the GA TAPP Program.
WGRESA RESA is NOT able to guarantee applicants who have completed the eligibility program a position in schools. Individual school systems remain the hiring entity. West Georgia RESA supports area school systems by screening potential teacher-candidates who want to pursue an alternative route to teacher certification.
A related degree is required for our program (the only exception to this rule includes Special Education).
For general questions regarding the program or application process, please email GaTAPP.
Eligibility may only be determined after a teacher candidate’s file is complete. See Next Steps below for details of the application process.
The GaTAPP Program is designed to be an 18-month program for middle and high school teacher candidates. The duration of the GaTAPP Program for elementary teacher candidates is 24-months, reflecting additional state requirements for training and support.
West Georgia RESA Pre-TAPP Program is a two-week program for individuals who have not secured a full-time teaching position yet are interested in becoming a teacher. To qualify for this program, participants must meet the following eligibility requirements:
Completed application with $50.00 processing fee (non-refundable)
College transcript reflecting a 2.5 or higher overall GPA in a completed four-year degree
Successful completion of the two-week Essentials of Teaching course